The digital marketing definition is a concept that is familiar accordance generated popularity in the business sector Internet. This concept encompasses a series of actions and advertising or marketing strategies that run on the media. And digital channels : websites and blogs, social networks, video platforms, forums, etc.
In this sense it could be said that all the techniques of the offline world are imitated. And translated into a new world, the online world. In the digital field, new tools appear, such as immediacy, new networks that emerge every day. And the possibility of real measurements of each of the strategies used.
The beginning
This technique began to be applied since the 90s as a way of transferring offline marketing techniques to the digital universe. In the beginning, online marketing was based on web pages 1.0. And it came to be a translation of advertising from traditional media to the first web pages. Which did not allow a bid ere the communication with the users. The advertisers controlled the message completely.
And limited it to exposing it to the audience, much like the traditional advertising where a TV commercial is presented to which we only have audiovisual access. But we do not have the option to comment on it.
In addition, the publicity of the web stage 1.0 was limited, in most of the occasions, to reproduce a showcase of products or services in the form of an online catalog. Even so, this type of advertising already pointed out interesting virtues. Such as the potentially universal reach, the possibility of updating the contents. And the combination of texts, images and, little by little, also of the multimedia format.
The revolution came a few years ago. A frantic technological development allowed the massive introduction of a higher level Internet. Web 2.0 was born and, with it, marketing 2.0.
From that moment and forever began to be possible to easily share information through social networks. Allowing almost instantaneous exchange of material that were previously impossible, such as photos and video.
The Internet becomes much more than a means of information search and becomes a community. The network is only understood as a means of exchanging information in two directions . The feedback is, therefore. Total and fundamental between brands and users, with the pros and cons that this entails.
Platforms to do Digital Marketing Definition
Digital marketing definition puts at our disposal a series of tools of great diversity. From those that can be done from small actions. For free to complex strategies in which you must invest money from the little to the many. Always tailored to the needs, tastes and financial capabilities. All this can be combined through an infinity of techniques and resources .
These are the main ones:
Web or blog. Undoubtedly, a website or a blog are two of the main tools from which to centralize a digital marketing definition campaign. Or inbound marketing (strategy to attract users and convert them into customers through the generation of valuable. And non-intrusive content). However, the use of a web or blog as the central axis does not imply exclusivity, but rather the opposite.
It is possible to use, in a complementary. Or parallel way, micro sites, social networks, video platforms or forums to give greater visibility to our campaigns. Once you are clear if you want a website, a blog or both, keep in mind that you must make other decisions. For example, what domain you will use or where you will host your page.
Searchers. Search engines are tools that allow Internet users to find content related to what they are looking for. To be able to successfully position a page. Or blog in the top positions of the search engines. It is essential to perform organic positioning (SEO) or payment (SEM) actions in your online marketing strategy.
Advertising display. It is the best known and traditional digital marketing definition tool. It can be considered the billboard of the digital medium. These are ads (banners) of different sizes and formats (texts, images, graphics, videos …) that occupy a space on Internet sites in an attractive and striking way. You can develop your advertising campaigns on google, facebook, twitter, youtube. Or on any web page of your city, state or country that interests you.
This heiress of the classic mailing is, possibly, the most veteran but still effective tool for Email marketing. having known how to adapt to the changes. And her ability to work in combination with other strategies, such as client follow-up and maturation (lead nurturing). Email marketing can be done from your own. Or third-party databases, from which messages are generated in the form of newsletters, newsletters, catalogs, etc. Which is sent via email to prospect customers or visits to a website or social network.
Social networks: These digital tools have continued to grow and gain popularity since the advent of digital marketing definition. In addition, they have been able to adapt perfectly to the changes and demands of consumers. Social networks are completely effective for the dissemination of content, as well as for the creation of a brand community, branding and even customer service.
Advantages of digital marketing
Digital marketing definition is an essential strategy for brands because of the great opportunity for growth, positioning and dissemination they represent .
Potential customers, or at least the vast majority, are constantly connected to the Internet from their computers. And, in recent years, also through their mobile phones or tablets.
This context has led to a wide range of advantages of digital marketing, among which are:
Affordable costs. Online marketing is accessible in terms of budget, especially when compared to traditional marketing channels such as television, radio or the press.
Greater capacity for control, optimization and correction of campaigns due to the collection. And possibility of real-time consultation of the results obtained, in addition, in an exact manner.
Great flexibility and dynamism. With the possibility of testing and changes on the fly based on the results obtained and the behavior of users regarding a campaign.
It allows a very specific, personalized and precise segmentation. In an online marketing campaign, the company can segment. Its campaigns taking into account the demographics, psychological data of users, as well as their behavior on the Internet.
It allows an exact measurement of the campaign . Results obtained, benefits, return on investment (ROI), etc.
We hope that after this summary on the great topic that encompasses digital marketing has been clearer what this term means. And when you hear about it again, you know it is a powerful ally to grow your business.
If you want more information on this subject, a special advice or the development of a digital marketing definition campaign do not hesitate to enter our contact section. And write us all the doubts or opinions that you have about it.