There is nothing like the New Year to do a review and evaluate how the results of your campaigns have been . You may have managed to achieve your marketing purposes or that someone has been somewhat choked. However, now is the perfect time to rethink where you want to go and how you would like the review of your year in 2018 to be .
Each business is unique so the marketing purposes of each may vary a bit. Even so, there are certain aspects that, if you are developing in the digital world, you must comply. Whether you’re a hairdresser or a marketing manager.
In previous posts we put at your disposal a 2018 marketing calendar to work on. So you will start the year with a general vision of what is to come and decide what to face. In fact, organizing and planning your strategies is one of the tasks that will take you the longest. That is why we emphasize the importance of working on a good marketing calendar.
However, beyond choosing dates to prepare campaigns or set goals, you have to have your feet on the ground. This means that a marketing manager must think high, but it must also be realistic. Therefore we recommend that by reviewing the trends for this year and having your calendar on the table, you set some marketing purposes for this year 2018.
These purposes must be measurable and must be related to the know-how of your business. And first of all you must be sure that focusing on them will be vital for the growth of your company.
What should be my marketing purposes?
As we have indicated depending on the sector you can have some goals or others. Although that does not mean that objectives are not shared, especially if we talk about digital marketing. We propose the following purposes:
Update blog frequently
On several occasions we have talked about the importance of having a blog to get conversions. But not only for that, also to offer content of value to the user, which is what he is really looking for. Your customers not only want to know your business, but they need something more. A blog will help you gain notoriety, it will help you improve your positioning and through Guest Posting you will be able to do natural link building.
But how many times have you proposed to update it regularly and how many have you met? It’s time to get serious. Your blog will only give you good results if you dedicate time and work. As in any strategy, the key is in constancy. You can not leave or publish content once a month.
In fact, if you do not update it, it will affect your web positioning and you will do yourself a disservice. Write interesting content related to your brand and your operation. It is a space that you can use as you want, but always adding value. If you are not sure of sharing something, do not do it.
Update profiles on social networks
Social networks will continue to be protagonists during 2018, but keep in mind that your content plan should not be limited to Facebook and Twitter. Snap chat, Instagram, YouTube … we’ve already talked about the power of video especially in social media . Are you ready to take the leap?
We do not doubt that in your marketing plan there is a section that covers social networks, but do you pay them the attention they deserve? Your behavior on these platforms is the same as the one on the blog. If you are not going to update it or contribute content of better value, do not have it . Day to day management is vital to achieve good results and gain notoriety. In addition, in the different profiles you can share the content of your blog and make it known. In fact they are a window to capture traffic to your web page .
So there is no excuse that is worth. Set yourself a timing , define your content plan in social media and make your marketing purpose is fulfilled during this 2018. It will take time, but when you see the results you will appreciate it.
Prioritize quality over quantity in publications
Closely related to social networks we come to this third marketing purpose to optimize the previous point. Some brands focus on sharing many publications on social networks and writing purely promotional content. The problem is that network users do not expect that kind of content, nor do they like it. In fact, consider yourself: Why would you want to share your promotional publications and be able to share something that invites reflection or adds value? You must be very clear what kind of content you want to publish in different social networks. If you want to share the articles of your blog, you want to create more informative content and talk about the news of the sector, etc. You can choose several ways to focus your publications, whether reflective, humorous or about curiosities. Focus on the quality of the contents. It does not matter if you do not post 10 post a day if what you share really adds value to your followers in social networks.
Update brand image and renew the web
How long have you not renewed your website? Are your landing pages optimized and provide all the necessary elements to create good experiences? Do not think that having a website that 5 years ago was the feeling will be today. In fact if you have not made changes yet, your website is already more than obsolete. Times change and companies and the user evolve. More than enough reason for you to start redesigning your website . But do not get confused, you should not just change your appearance. You must take care of many more aspects that will also affect your positioning or speed. You must also update your corporate image, and with it your logo. There are different tools that will help you to turn it around and turn it into striking and professional.
Organize myself with own marketing calendar
Working on a calendar will provide you with something vital that many find hard to achieve: order and organization. If you do not organize, it will be difficult for you to stay on top of all your marketing strategies. And it is that working on selected dates, with clear ideas and having defined objectives will allow you to launch your strategies with a considerable margin of time. And you will also have time to test if those campaigns are the most appropriate. Therefore, working with a previous organization will allow you to focus your efforts on what is really a priority for your business and you will overtake the competition. You are still in time to mark your own calendar of marketing purposes. For this we make it easy for you. You just have to follow the dates indicated in our marketing calendar for 2018 .
Daring in strategies
In many occasions it is difficult for us to leave the mark and we work without risk, under certain limits. But sometimes to excel and succeed you need to differentiate yourself and do things that your competition does not do. The clearest example of how to play it comes from the hand of Taco Bell. At the time when social networks were gaining strength for brands Taco Bell decided to stand out from them . And all to make known his latest product. But his goal was clear, he wanted to stand out and get downloads in his app. Making that decision was risky, especially because of the “boom” that social networks were having. In fact, when you tried to enter one of its profiles, It was very risky but it gave good results. In fact, 75% of Taco Bell stores in the United States received orders from the app the following hours.Therefore, we recommend you to be different and to try new things. You will never have absolute certainty about whether they will work or not, but if you want to be original and unlike the rest you will have to take risks. Why not turn daring into one of your marketing purposes
Continue to train throughout the year
Your audience and users in general are increasingly demanding, so everything you put at your disposal should be more than clear and studied. In fact, the contents you share can be up to training.
Today many marketing managers share guides, tips and relevant information in their blogs so that the user can learn. But how to do it if even the editor does not know what he is talking about? Any current company needs to have a good presence in the network and show, at least, minimum knowledge in the field.
Promise to follow the results frequently
Do you know which of your posts on the blog has generated more visits to your landing pages? And how many times have they been shared on social networks? What is the average opening of your emails? And your bounce rate? Do you know which is the hashtag that has given you the most visibility?
If the answer is no, it’s your moment. Keeping track of all the actions you launch will allow you to know what works and what does not and thus be able to improve it. Do not settle for a basic follow-up, delve into each subject. Make it become part of your routine. The more you organize, the more results you will get and the better you can be guided in your next marketing plans.
Adopt SEO strategies to achieve a good natural positioning
Many times we have talked about strategies to get boost the web positioning. And among them we have stressed the importance of strategies to get SEO links or the potential of keywords. If you have followed our advice, we do not need to remind you that buying links is a bad practice, so you should guide your strategies to achieve a natural positioning. For this, natural link building is one of the best alternatives to achieve it. Also, you will prevent Google from penalizing you. In this way, the quality traffic that reaches your website will increase, and with it, also the customers.
However, one of the marketing purposes for this year and for the following ones is to put your client at the center of your strategies. And take care of it . For this , Cross-Channel Marketing tools such as Director can help you. They will facilitate the execution of your strategies that are in direct relation with your clients and will help you fulfill your marketing purposes giving you a little push.
Finally, at last! Christmas is over, those dates where everything is love and happiness, those meals and endless dinners watered with huge amounts of alcohol … Now what? Well now back to work with a few extra kilos and many new Year’s resolutions for marketing purposes. The marketing purposes of the year are a method of self-criticism that allows us to realize our strengths and weaknesses to make small or considerable changes that help us get closer to that version of ours that we have always pursued, however, this does not have to be limited to the scope personal. If we have a business or company, regardless of its size, we can also take out pencil and paper and formulate a reasonable list of areas of opportunity that we can attack from January.