Use Instagram-Instagram is a social network that has managed to overcome barriers. And evolve from a simple photographic platform to become one of the most important social networks in the digital world. Think of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google and Yahoo as the platforms most chosen by brands to develop their social media strategy. Many leave on the one hand to Instagram. Because it is considered an amateur application that does not provide a commercial link with companies. However, this is not the reality, then I will tell you. Because it brings potential to companies worldwide.
Large number of followers
To start the first value with which we must qualify to Instagram is the niche of opportunities that your brand can find in it. This platform is currently one of the most used, reaching 800 million users every month, an updated figure in the October of this year. Is that a strong point when contemplating it in our social media strategies do not you think?
Use Instagram brings special value to brands
Instagram is a completely different platform to all in terms of the content that is presented. The fact that users see this platform as a showcase of photographs positions. This social network with added value for companies.
Define Instagram in direct comparison with Facebook in a small example of social media. While Facebook could serve your brand as a platform to publicize your services, products, prices. Or even a good content marketing that attracts potential customers. Use Instagram could complement your strategy by providing stories to tell your customers. Sharing a more human version of your brand.
Take our advice into account, remember that images are worth a thousand words. Photographs are simple codes at the time that users interpret them.
Statistics favor Instagram
This value is mainly concentrated on Instagram as an ally of your brand to attract new users. And turn them into your next customers.
According to statistics, users of mobile platforms interact 60% more with brands that have an active profile on Instagram in comparison with Facebook and Twitter. To this we add that more than half of the world’s population uses the Internet. And of this percentage, 50% do so through a cell phone. So take out accounts!
Did you convince yourself?
Here is a brief recommendation on how to use Instagram for business.
We are not going to delve into the topic of how you can guide your social media strategy on use Instagram, that we will leave for a next entry in our blog. But if we are going to give you the most remarkable key so you can do it.
Do not annoy the audience with photos of your products
There’s nothing more ugly for use Instagram than running into three or four photos of products or services in a store on your timeline. The users of this social network are convinced by the photographic material that makes them feel an experience, that makes them vibrate a feeling or that they want to express their opinion. Instagram is one of the simplest platforms in terms of your timeline. The experts in this application do not saturate their accounts with photographs, they know what to share!
Take advantage of the visual power of Storytelling. With this, even if you have images of your products or the results of your products you can use Instagram to creatively communicate your business matters.
If you are interested in starting a social media strategy based on use Instagram but you do not know how to do it, an Instagram marketing agency in London can give you a consultancy, sharing a whole guideline about the type of photographs, the schedules and the amount of them that you can share. to your potential customers.
Send us a message through our contact section and explain in the message what your interests and needs are, what is the name of your brand and what do you offer your customers? We will communicate with you.