Can I delete a Badoo account? Users who no longer want to use this social network often ask themselves that question and often do not find the answer.
It is easier than you might expect. This platform has several very easy ways to cancel an account. And the best thing is that you can do it both from a PC, or from a cell phone, and even without a password!
Steps to delete Badoo account
The first thing you should do is log into the Badoo platform with your account. So you can click on your profile picture.
Next, you will have to select the ” Configuration ” option, a button in the shape of a cogwheel characteristic of this function.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page so that you can see and click on ” Delete account “, and immediately after, on the option ” Delete your account “. To finish, you will need to confirm the action by clicking on ” Continue “.
The platform may ask you to enter the password again to proceed to delete a Badoo account. This condition is necessary to ensure that it is the user who performs the process.
I forgot my password Can I delete my Badoo account?
If you are one of those people who tend to forget their passwords, no problem! You will only have to log in with Facebook or with the data that the browser saves.
Then, you must enter the user panel by clicking on your profile photo. In this section, you will find the “ Settings ” section where you can lower the view of the window until you find the option “ Delete your account ”.
The platform will ask you the reasons why you want to delete your account, after responding, proceed to press ” Continue ” to obtain a new window.
In this way, you will click on ” Delete your account ” again, followed by another justification. And finally, you will have access to the field in which Badoo asks for the password to continue.
In order for you to proceed, even if you have forgotten your password, you must click on the question mark or “? ”Located on the right side. This button will send an automatic message to the email associated with the account.
The way to continue is by opening your email inbox and looking for the Badoo notice. Inside it, there will be a button to ” Create a new password .”
Accordingly, fill in the required fields and set a new password. So that you can use it to successfully delete a Badoo account.
Unsubscribe from the Badoo mobile app
The good thing about this method is that it works for both Android and iOS since the application is functional for both operating systems.
Once this is clarified, it will be necessary for the App to be installed on the SmartPhone to proceed. If you do not have it, it is possible to download it from the Store of each company. And it is very easy since it will be the first result of a search with the word ” Badoo “.
Once executed, it is best to access the account through the option of ” Enter with email “, although this is not limiting and you can choose to use ” Enter with Facebook ” or ” Enter with Google+ “.
In the recommended case, you must fill in the ” Email or telephone ” field, as well as enter the ” Password ” to enter correctly when pressing ” Enter “.
Subsequently, you must locate and press an icon whose shape is that of a bust. This button is in the upper right and will take you to the user panel.
Now, in the section, there will be several options available. You will have to prefer the ” Settings ” or the corresponding gear icon. Thus, the window will be updated and you will be able to choose the ” Account ” section.
The last thing you have to do is click on ” Delete account “, provide a reason, and then click on ” Continue ” to be able to delete a Badoo account from the App.
If you also had an account on pages such as Twoo or Lovoo, you can also delete your account in a simple and fast way, or if on the contrary, you want to try your luck on another page, we recommend creating an account on Tinder, even though the account Tinder is linked to Facebook, don’t worry because you can use this page and prevent your Facebook friends from knowing.