How to clean a shower drain?

If you have noticed that water is not flowing freely down your shower drain or that bad odours are coming from your shower, your drain may be due a cleaning. Along with other plumbing problems such as issues with sewer pipe lining Solihull or blocked drains in Dundee, a dirty shower drain is a common issue nationwide. Here are some top tips on cleaning a shower drain.

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Use a Plunger

A plunger is a great tool to remove gunge and debris that is stuck down your shower drain. According to The Spruce, plungers work by creating hydraulic pressure. Creating a vacuum within the drain lifts matter to the top of the drain hole, where it can be removed more easily.

Drain Snakes

This long-length gadget can be inserted into your shower drain to reach a blockage further down. Insert it carefully until you feel the blockage. Turning the drain snake will help to break up the debris which can then be flushed using hot water.

Drain Cleaners

There are many types of drain cleaners available to buy, which can be useful in clearing small blockages. Most of these products are skin irritants, so take precautions and always protect your hands with gloves.

Clean Regularly

Keeping on top of cleaning your shower drain will help to prevent future blockages. Remove soap and hair build-up on a weekly basis to keep your drain cleaner for longer.

Further Help with Drainage

If your attempts to clean your shower drain do not make a difference, your problem may require expert help from a drain specialist such as to resolve.

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Unblocking a shower drain is one of those jobs that needs to be dealt with promptly. By following these tips, you should once again enjoy free-flowing drains and an odour-free bathroom.

Niru Taylor

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