Whether you are an online business that takes credit card payments or you provide information on your website, the data that visitors enter into your site must remain in the right hands. It is essential that you have the right security features in place to prevent fraud and keep your customers safe.
It seems like the news is filled with high-profile examples of websites being hacked and personal data exposed. Often this is embarrassing to the affected people but other times it can be downright dangerous. While a lot of these hacks are done by automated programmes that try endless combinations of passwords until they gain access, it is still important to be proactive when it comes to keeping your website secure. For advice from a Web designer Exeter, go to exeter.nettl.com/digital/website-design/
The five most important things you can do to make your website safer are to use SSL certificates, set up a Web Application Firewall, use strong passwords, keep software and plugins up to date and make sure that all of your content is securely stored. In addition, it is a good idea to have two-factor authentication (2FA) in place so that your users have to input more than just their password before they can access the site again after an unsuccessful login attempt.
Other security measures to consider include using a CDN (content delivery network) which is used to improve website performance but can also help protect a website from DDoS attacks by helping to redistribute the sudden burst of traffic that would otherwise overwhelm the original source web server. Another key is to log all activity on your site and to monitor it regularly for suspicious activity.