Google Drive is one of the most useful tools of Google, both for professional and personal issues. It is a file hosting service that allows you to access your documents from different PCs or from your mobile phone and at the same time share these files with other people, no matter where they are.
What is Google Drive?
We go more in detail. Imagine that you have Excel, Word or PowerPoint files on your PC, but it turns out that if you want to consult them from another side, you should send them by mail or take them on a flash drive. Or maybe you want to share that spreadsheet with someone but you have to send it as you update it. Past, past, past.
What is Google Drive for?
To avoid all of the above. Google Drive allows you to create a document online and share it with other people so they can see the changes. You can also create a document type Word, Excel or Power Point and configure it so that others can see it but can not make changes.
The uses that can be given are of the most varied, for example: spreadsheets of expenses and profits, assembly of texts, task calendars, backup, sharing images, etc.
How is Google Drive used?
To be able to use Google Drive there is only one requirement: to have a Gmail account. If you do not have it, in this article I explain how to create it . With that, you can access Google Drive from the address from the grid that appears in the upper right corner when you enter Google, choosing the option “Drive”.
If they sent you a document from Google Drive and you want to open it, make sure you are logged into your Gmail account, click on the link they sent you and it will open directly.
If you want to create a new text or calculation document, choose “New” in the upper left corner. Select the type of file you want to create: presentation (PowerPoint type), document (Word type) or spreadsheet (Excel type).
In the options on the left you can also upload a photo or create a folder to share. Those are the most used options, but also if you click on More, it allows you to create a form to make a survey.
The menu on the left allows you to navigate within Drive and view the recent files (the ones you have used in the last time) and the ones that have been shared with you. You can also access Google Photos, a very useful application to save the photos that you take with your phone or that send you by Whatsapp, which saves space and keep them in a safe place.
How to create a Gmail account?
The first thing you have to do is open Google in your browser. At the top right you will see what Gmail says. Click there and you’ll see that Google makes it easy for you: in two places on the screen, with a red background, it offers you “Create an account”.
By entering there you will see a window to “Create your Google account”. The next thing is to complete the information that it asks for.
Name and surname
Username: here you must choose your email address. In case your choice is already in use by another person, Google will warn you until you give with an available username.
Password: minimum of eight characters. Try to make it easy to remember but hard to guess by others. In the field below you repeat it.
Date of birth and sex.
Telephone: it is not mandatory to fill this field
Your current email address: it is not mandatory that you fill it out either. Complete with another e-mail address will serve you if you have any problems with this Gmail box you are creating.
Once this is done, it only remains to click on the next one. There Google will ask you to accept the terms and conditions of use and that’s it! You already have your Gmail account ready to use.