For some time now, when you try to perform some operations on the Web, you have been subjected to a security check by the Internet site you are trying to use. In detail, you are asked to center a checkbox or to verify some images, to be able to continue with your request. On the other hand, however, the speed of your Internet connection is not the best, and the loading times of the verification system negatively affect the possibility of passing it, forcing you to extricate yourself between a large number of images and making you waste precious time.
For this reason, intending to deal with this inconvenience, you opened Google in an attempt to figure out how to remove I am not a robot and you ended up right here.
How to remove I’m not a robot?
Suppose you have carefully read the chapter on preliminary information. In that case, you will certainly have understood that the security check “I am not a robot” appears regardless of the user’s will when certain conditions occur, which vary depending on the website you are trying to access to visit.
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In most cases, to make the security check disappear, it is sufficient to avoid the conditions that can make the automatic control system suspicious: below I will explain how to try to circumvent the problem on Google and other well-known portals, but I would like to point out that the same indications can be put into practice for any other website unless the captcha control is naturally provided for the completion of a specific procedure (eg when filling out a form).
How to remove “I’m not a robot” from Google
In most cases, the appearance of Google’s “I’m not a robot” security check is caused by using an IP address already on a blacklist. When this happens, before carrying out any search, Google asks to center a checkbox and, if necessary, also to indicate, from a list of photos, one or more images containing some specified elements.
So, as a first step, check that your IP address is not part of a blacklist: open this web page, press the Check My IP Address button and wait a few moments so that the result of the analysis is shown to you: if your address IP is “immaculate,” a green checkmark will appear next to all anti-spam lists; otherwise, the blacklist in which figure it will be marked with a red X.
If the verification gives a positive result (especially if the “X” appears in a greater number than the “✓”symbols), it is unlikely that Google will avoid the anti-robot check for future accesses.
However, you can try to remedy this by applying a few simple tricks: firstly, if it is not strictly necessary, avoid using VPN, Tor and other methods to disguise the IP, when using the Google search engine: the addresses associated with these services may have been used for purposes that are not strictly lawful. Therefore, try to browse the web pages of the Mountain View giant using the actual IP provided by your service provider.
If you do not use any VPN or similar system and have a dynamic IP address available, try to change it by disconnecting from the Internet. If you are using a Wi-Fi / Ethernet connection, turn off the router and turn it back on after ten minutes. If, on the other hand, you use the data connection of your mobile or tablet, deactivate it and activate it after a few minutes. By doing so, your IP address will be changed and you should be able to get rid of Google’s security check.
If, on the other hand, you have a static IP address, contact your Internet service provider and explain your problem to a human operator, agreeing with the latter on the solution to be applied.
Finally, it analyzes the device’s memory for viruses and other malware that do not necessarily interact – or only – with the browser but with the entire operating system.