League of legends password change

On many occasions, video game lovers may have a problem with our account and we need to update the password. The problem is that many times we cannot find where the happy menu is to do it. But don’t worry, in the following article I will show you how to change the League of Legends password very quickly and easily.

Let’s talk a little about League of Legends

League of Legends, also known as LoL is a “MOBA” type video game (initials for Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) developed by the company Riot Games. This game mode was initially born from a Mod developed for Warcraft III.

The LoL, despite having several game modes, the main one consists of two teams of 5 people each, fighting to defend their Nexus. The winning team will be the first to manage to destroy the opposing team’s Nexus, before destroying all the towers that defend it (in addition to the enemy champions).

It is a video game that requires strategy, skill and above all and most important team play.

Today, it has one of the largest player communities on the planet.

How to change the LoL Password

To change the LoL password, simply follow the steps below. We have prepared this simple guide for you with all the steps to follow, accompanied by images so that you do not get lost in the attempt.

Access the Riot Games website

The first thing you should do is enter the Riot Games website, but to make it easier for you I leave you the following link so that you can enter directly to the login https://account.riotgames.com/

Enter your credentials

When you are on that screen, you will simply have to enter your current Username and Password.

If you notice, under the password and a little to the right, you have a button where you have to choose the server you play on (be it EU West, Latam, etc).

When you have selected your region, click on the red arrow button to access your account.


It is possible and in many cases, that when accessing your account the system requires you to verify your e-mail. A screen like this will appear:

You must access your email (the one you registered in your league of legends account) and look for the email that just arrived from Riot Games in which you will receive a code. This email is similar to the one I show you:

Enter the code that they have sent you (in the image I have marked it with a Red box) in the previous screen (See image * Verification1) and press the arrow button below.

Change Password League of Legends

Now, we are going to proceed to change the password of your League of Legends account. Now that you are inside your profile control panel, you will see an image like this.

You must click on the button to the right of “Password”, I have marked it with a Red box in the image above.

After clicking on the button, you will see a window like this:

The only thing left is to complete the data. In the field “Current Password” we will write the password that we currently have in our account.

Then we write the new password that we want and we write it again in the last field of the form to confirm that we were not wrong writing it.


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